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Showing posts from May, 2024

Impeller: Elevating Flutter Performance with Predictable Rendering

In the world of Flutter, Impeller is a buzzword that has caught the attention of developers and enthusiasts alike. But what exactly is Impeller, and why is it crucial for Flutter apps? Let’s dive into the details. What is Impeller? Impeller is a new rendering engine for flutter. Now, many of you can think. What is a rendering engine. Rendering engine is nothing but a piece of software responsible for converting input instructions or data into visual or audible output. Basically , it helps us to draw UI of an app according to the instruction you give it. Flutter engine is written is C/C++language. Which is the part of dart UI. Rendering engine in Flutter orchestrates the transformation from widget tree to pixels on the screen. Before Impeller flutter used skia as a default graphics engine. But, there was some issues on it. Challenges with Skia: Skia has been the graphic engine for Flutter since its inception. Skia is also a powerful render engine, which powers various platforms, inc...